October 04, 2013

Friday Finds

Jimmy Fallon Performs with The Cast of Sesame Street (via The Huffington Post)

While I was more partial to Barney and Friends growing up, Sesame Street was always a close second favorite. Apparently this is becoming known as "one of the happiest videos ever made" and I can't help but whole-heartedly agree! 

Yes, BaconFest does exist (via KCRG TV News) 

The date for this year's event has passed, but if you're a bacon-lover in any way whatsoever, put this on your calendar for years to come

What Dating Has Taught Me

Written by a newly-engaged friend and sister from high school, she has such wisdom to share when it comes to dating (and glorifying God in the process!) I'm so grateful to her for both her words and presence in my life!

Six words you need to hear today (via Rachel Held Evans)

This is so beautiful; Rachel's words are such a blessing and comfort, especially for those who feel they need to always "get it right" in order for God to love them. Amazing. 

15 Things every woman needs to stop doing (via The Huffington Post)


'I didn't love my wife when we got married'  (via The Huffington Post) 

The title comes off as a little misleading, but I promise that it's something worth reading and thinking about, particularly in a culture that relies on the "honeymoon phase" or fairytale mindset to sustain a marriage. 

Given that this weekend calls for some rainy weather (at least in my area), I invite you all to curl up with a cup of coffee or tea and take the time to read these. Have a good one!

photo credit: Linh H. Nguyen via photopin cc

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