December 17, 2012

This Year's Inspiration-Blog Edition!!!

Day 17-Inspiration

Who or what inspired you? What did you learn from them?

I thought I would do something a little bit more unique for this prompt. Instead of listing out people in my life, I would discuss the blogs that have inspired me and motivated me, both as a writer and a person. The blogging world gets discredited and land blasted for not being an actual form of writing, I have come away with so much from these people's stories about their lives and such a willingness to share them.While some of them are centered on the Christian faith, others are not, but that doesn't mean that they're not worth reading!  If you have time over the holidays, sit back with a cup of cocoa or cider and see for yourself. And just a little side note, none of these are ranked. They're all wonderful in their own way and it would be very hard to do so. 

Single Dad Laughing-I started reading two years ago when I found it through Facebook; at the time, I wrote it off as something that I couldn't relate to because it was mostly about parenting, and I was only eighteen! But there was something about it that drew me in, and I kept reading post after post. It's definitely more than just about being a parent; he covers topics such as dating, religion, perfection, and so much more. Some will leave you in tears because they're so deep, heart-wrenching, and moving. Yet, it's not just the topics that interest me, but that rawness and vulnerability in his writing.

The Identity Project-Not only is she a good friend of mine, but an amazing woman of God who has such a gift of words and wisdom. I read her blog every morning, and I'm always left with something to meditate on throughout the day. Her recent prayer for those involved in the Newtown tragedy left me weeping for those sweet children and their families. I love how every day has it's own kind of theme and topic, along with a verse or quotation. Thank you being such a blessing, dear friend; both in real life and in the blogosphere!

The Good Girl-Every time I read something of hers, I can't help but feel that "warm blanket" feeling that I often describe when something really speaks to me, or I'm completely and utterly at home with a person or a situation. I love her enthusiasm and and positive attitude about her faith and life in general. I also can't wait to hear about her many adventures to come!

All Groan Up-For anyone that is in their twenties or even thirties, this blog is definitely worth reading! I found it to be a great and necessary kick in the pants, because it gave me a realistic look at what life is like during and after college, and how to navigate the not-so-glittery reality. What really hit home for me was the 21 Secrets For Your 20's. Even if you're not a big fan of reading blogs, at least read that one!

The Good Women Project-I can't remember how exactly I found this; possibly through the devotionals that I was receiving via e-mail sometime ago. When I did, I was going through a very confusing time in regards to where I was at in my faith and with God. It was reassuring to know that I was not the only one trying to make sense of certain things that I had been taught or witnessed in church, specifically problems that a lot of women tend to face.  It was like pulling back the curtain after a long period of time, but I didn't have a spotlight shining in my eyes. Thank you for giving me peace of mind, and hope!

These are only just a few of my favorites. I plan to put a blog roll up sometime in the near future, so keep watching for that. In the meantime, take some time to read these. Most likely, you'll be glad you did!

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