November 01, 2013

Friday Finds

Silent but funny "Star Wars" bloopers (via The Huffington Post) 

-I wish there had been more sound included in this, but it was still entertaining!

Nurses and their patients sing along to "Brave"  (via People Magazine) 

-It might be wise to grab the tissues for this one; very moving and spot on when the nurse said that dealing with cancer shouldn't always have to involve sadness and pain. You have to laugh and find happy moments too.

To the man on the bus (a response)  (via Upworthy) 

-All I can say is WOW! This person hit the nail on the head perfectly.

Marching band's amazing movie tribute  (via The Huffington Post) 

-Granted, I am a Hawkeye so I kind of have to not like Ohio State by default. However, their marching band is amazing!

How "Nice" doesn't always mean what we think it means (via Storyline) 

This is an article that I can relate to in so many different ways, and it really shed light on how much of a difference there is between being kind and being nice. 

Have a great weekend and God Bless!

photo credit: ejorpin via photopin cc

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