March 13, 2013

My Unusual Way of Seeing

As the poem says, I've only ever really talked to two people about this; mostly because they're the only ones who don't respond with a roll of their eyes and ask why I honestly give a damn. I wrote this after I discussed extensively with one of my best friends last week, and I'm just going to let the words speak for themselves.

Eyes of My Heart

Mother once told me that I tend to see the world differently
Differently than most people, that is
And lately now I think that a lot of it is true
When I think back on the memories of those that I’ve become so close with
The ones that have loved me, as well as the ones that have hurt me

He who knew me best for seven years
As though he had known me forever
I bared my soul to him
He held me like no one could at the time
My eyes saw stars and sparkles,
yet my heart saw one who could finally understand me
One stuck between staying a boy and becoming a man
Then one summer afternoon he ran away

I shared a home with her from the age of nineteen to twenty
I believed we were kindred spirits, albeit broken ones
She my best friend and I her helper
We shared secrets, while struggling and fighting not to be victims anymore
My eyes saw a selfish girl who didn’t care
My heart saw a lost friend who needed compassion
For she lacked faith and a sense of direction

On the outside he seemed like a bad boy
A rebel without a cause
We had just entered college; everything so new and undiscovered
The combination may not have been healthy, but I wanted to know him
We swapped crazy stories without judgment
He took me on adventures and every so often asked me dance
There was a tender soul in there somewhere
Yet I never found out because he cut me off without warning
No words or reason, just silence
To this day I still ask why

I rarely speak of these thoughts to anyone
Two people only know the whole story
For our world says we should not care for those who don’t care for us
But I don’t want to be like the rest of the world
A world who holds grudges and spills hatred every chance it gets

I want to love people in the way that God would want me to love them
To be a light and have a compassionate nature
To forgive and move forward

You can sing “open the eyes of my heart”
But it won’t happen until you’ve met someone who pushes your buttons and drives you absolutely crazy
Someone who does things that you don’t always like
Or maybe even understand
And still you’re willing to love them and look at them the way God does
Imperfect and human

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